Urban Survival Gear Everyone Should Have


Hello there! As someone who has spent considerable time preparing for various urban survival scenarios, I’ve gathered some invaluable insights that I’m eager to share with you. Today, we’ll delve into the subject of urban survival gear – an essential topic that everyone should know about.

Importance of Urban Survival Gear

Emergencies can strike at any time, and in an urban environment, these situations can become even more complicated. This is where having the right survival gear can make a world of difference. It’s not just about surviving; it’s about thriving in adverse circumstances.

Understanding the Concept of Urban Survival

Urban survival is all about being prepared to withstand crises that occur in city or urban settings – be it natural disasters, power outages, or even societal breakdowns. The key here is adaptation and preparedness, using tools and knowledge to ensure your safety and well-being. This forms the basis of the gear as spelled out from Building a Disaster Supplies Kit which we are providing in the next section.

Essential Urban Survival Gear

Let’s dive into the essential gear you should have at your disposal.

Water Purification Tools

Access to clean, drinkable water is a top priority in any survival scenario. One of the most crucial elements for survival is water. Our bodies are about 60% water and we need to consume a certain amount daily to maintain our health and functionality. In emergency situations, having access to clean, potable water might become a challenge. That’s where water purification tools come into play.

More information can be found at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Emergency Water Supply Preparation.

When using these tools, remember to follow the instructions carefully to ensure the water is safe for consumption. Also, it’s important to note that while these tools can effectively remove bacteria and viruses, they are not designed to remove chemical pollutants. Thus, when sourcing water, avoid areas near industrial sites or agricultural fields where harmful chemicals may be present.

In a nutshell, portable water filters and water purification tablets are simple, compact, and lifesaving tools for purifying water in survival situations. They’re essential in any urban survival kit. Two methods are described below.

Portable Water Filters

Portable water filters are a must-have. They are compact, lightweight, and can effectively remove harmful bacteria and protozoa from water.

Portable water filters are ingenious devices that can make most water sources safe for drinking. These filters work by forcing water through small pores that eliminate harmful bacteria, parasites, and microplastics. They come in various forms, like straw filters, pump filters, or bottle filters.

A well-known and respected brand in this space is LifeStraw. Their personal water filter can filter up to 1,000 gallons of contaminated water, making it a must-have in any survival kit.

Water Purification Tablets

Another fantastic tool is water purification tablets. These are small but mighty in their ability to make water safe to drink. Water purification tablets are another lightweight and effective tool for treating water in survival situations. They work by releasing a strong disinfectant when dissolved in water.

The most common chemical in these tablets is iodine or chlorine dioxide, both of which are effective at killing bacteria and viruses. They’re a fantastic backup to have if a water filter is not available or practical. Aquatabs and Potable Aqua are popular brands for these tablets.

Food and Nutrition

Staying nourished during an emergency is essential to maintain strength and focus.

Energy Bars and MREs

Energy bars and Meals Ready-to-Eat (MREs) are excellent options. They offer a great deal of nutrition in a compact, easy-to-store format.

Energy Bars

Energy bars are a staple of many survival kits due to their long shelf-life, compact size, and high nutritional content. They’re designed to be calorie-dense, providing a large amount of energy in a small package. Energy bars come in a variety of flavors and often include a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Look for bars with natural ingredients and minimal added sugars.

Meals Ready-to-Eat (MREs)

Meals Ready-to-Eat, commonly known as MREs, are self-contained meals originally designed for military personnel but now widely available for civilian use. They typically include a main course, side dish, dessert, and drink mix, all of which can be heated with the included flameless ration heater.

MREs are more substantial than energy bars and can provide a sense of normalcy during a stressful situation. However, they are also bulkier and heavier, so you’ll need to balance quantity with the available space in your survival kit.

Portable Stove and Cookware

A portable stove and cookware can enable you to cook food, further expanding your nutrition options. Having the means to cook can greatly expand your food options in a survival situation. A portable stove, together with compact cookware, can allow you to heat water, cook raw food, or warm up canned goods.

This setup can be particularly useful if you’re stranded for an extended period or in a colder environment where a hot meal can also help maintain body temperature.

The goal when selecting food and nutrition items for your survival kit is to prioritize long shelf-life, high nutritional value, and easy preparation. It’s also a good idea to rotate these items periodically to ensure they’re fresh and safe to eat when you need them.

Shelter and Warmth

In adverse conditions, maintaining body warmth and having a safe place to rest is vital. Maintaining body warmth and having a safe place to rest are critical elements of survival. Exposure to harsh elements can lead to hypothermia, exhaustion, and other life-threatening conditions. Therefore, items providing shelter and warmth should always be a part of your survival gear.

Emergency Blankets

Emergency blankets, also known as space blankets, are compact, lightweight sheets made from heat-reflective thin plastic. They’re designed to reflect up to 90% of body heat back to the user and can help prevent hypothermia. Despite their thinness, these blankets are incredibly durable and can also be used as a shelter, ground cover, or signaling device.

Compact Tents

A compact tent provides a step up from an emergency blanket in terms of shelter. They come in various designs, but the best for survival situations are lightweight, easy to set up, and durable. Tube tents are a popular option as they’re designed to set up quickly and provide basic protection from the elements. They don’t offer the comfort of a regular camping tent, but they’re much lighter and smaller, making them a practical addition to an urban survival kit.

Sleeping Bags

For enhanced warmth, a sleeping bag is an excellent addition if space allows. There are sleeping bags specifically designed for survival situations, often featuring lightweight, water-resistant materials, and excellent heat retention.

Fire Starters

Having a means to start a fire can also be crucial. Fire can provide warmth, a way to cook food, a method to purify water, and a signal for help. Waterproof matches, a lighter, or a ferrocerium rod (a fire steel) can be excellent tools to include in your kit.

The need for shelter and warmth cannot be overstated in survival scenarios. Hypothermia can set in quickly in cold conditions, and having a shelter can provide protection from the elements. Whether it’s a space blanket, a compact tent, or a fully-stocked camping setup depends on your personal needs and the space you have available in your kit.

Communication Tools

Staying connected during an emergency is critical. Staying informed and being able to communicate with others can be a game-changer in an urban survival situation. From obtaining vital information about the current situation to signaling for help, having the right tools in your kit can significantly increase your chances of survival.

Emergency Radios

Emergency radios can provide vital information, even when other forms of communication are down. An emergency radio is a critical piece of equipment that allows you to receive updates and instructions from authorities during disasters. Models with a hand crank or solar power options are ideal because they don’t rely on electricity. Some versions also incorporate other survival tools like a flashlight, USB charger, and SOS alarm, making them a versatile addition to your survival gear.


A whistle may seem simple, but it can be an incredibly effective communication tool. In situations where you need to signal for help, a loud whistle can carry over a greater distance than the human voice and requires less energy to use. Whistles can be heard over ambient noise, such as city or nature sounds, and they work in all weather conditions. Opt for a pea-less whistle as they are less likely to jam or freeze in harsh conditions.

Cell Phone and Portable Chargers

While a cell phone may not work in all emergency scenarios, it’s still worth including as part of your communication gear, especially as many people carry one daily. In addition to making calls, smartphones can store useful survival apps, eBooks, and maps. Portable chargers, ideally solar-powered, can keep your phone powered when electricity is unavailable. Remember to keep emergency numbers and any useful information saved and accessible offline.

Signal Mirror

A signal mirror can be used to reflect sunlight and attract the attention of distant rescuers or passers-by. It’s lightweight, does not rely on any power source, and can send signals over long distances. When used correctly, it can be a very effective signaling tool.

Effective communication in a disaster or emergency situation is crucial. These tools not only allow you to stay informed but can also signal for help when necessary. As with all survival gear, consider your environment, the likely scenarios you might face, and personal requirements when choosing the best tools for your kit.

Preparing for Various Situations

Understanding the specific types of situations you might face can help you better tailor your gear and preparation methods.

Urban Survival Kit

An urban survival kit should contain all the essentials we’ve discussed, along with personal items like medication, personal documents, and cash. Remember, the key is to keep it compact and portable.

Preparing for the Unexpected

Part of preparation is embracing the unexpected. Train yourself mentally to stay calm and make effective decisions. The right gear is only as good as the person using it.

Urban Survival Gear Checklist

Water Purification

  • Portable Water Filter
  • Water Purification Tablets

Food and Nutrition

  • Energy Bars
  • Meals Ready-to-Eat (MREs)
  • Portable Stove
  • Compact Cookware

Shelter and Warmth

  • Emergency Blankets (Space Blankets)
  • Compact Tent
  • Sleeping Bags
  • Fire Starters

Communication Tools

  • Emergency Radio (Solar/Hand-Crank Powered)
  • Whistle
  • Cellphone and Portable Chargers
  • Signal Mirror

Additional Essentials

  • First Aid Kit
  • Multi-tool (Includes knife, can opener, etc.)
  • Flashlight (Hand-Crank Powered)
  • Local Maps
  • Personal Medication and Health Supplies
  • Personal Documents (IDs, Passport, etc.)
  • Cash and Coins

Remember, this is a basic list, and your personal kit should be tailored to your specific needs and the types of emergencies common in your area.


Urban survival gear is an absolute necessity for everyone. It can make the difference between life and death in an emergency. While we’ve covered a lot of ground, remember that this is a starting point. Personalize your survival kit according to your needs and stay prepared. Keep it simple, portable, and functional, and you’ll be ready to face anything that comes your way!


What’s the most important urban survival gear?

Water purification tools and food are vital, as they directly relate to your sustenance. However, the importance of other items can vary based on the specific situation.

How much water and food should I keep in my survival kit?

A good rule of thumb is to have enough supplies for at least 72 hours. However, your capacity to carry these items can affect this.

Can I prepare my own MREs?

Yes, you can prepare homemade MREs. There are many recipes and guides available online.

How often should I update my survival kit?

Check your kit every six months. Replace expired items and update it based on any changes in your personal needs or situation.

Can a whistle really make a difference in survival situations?

Absolutely. A whistle can be heard over long distances and above loud noises, making it a simple but powerful tool for attracting attention.

Survival Prepper Hub

SPH Team

My initial goal to shield my loved ones from the dangers of the aftermath following disasters has evolved into a commitment to share my findings to the widest audience possible. As the risk of emergencies continues to grow due to the unpredictability of changing weather and climates, natural calamities, man-made dangers, there is a an urgent need to acquire numerous methods of survival to safeguard ourselves. Knowledge and skills saves lives!

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