Survival Kit: A Guide for Preppers

As an experienced survival enthusiast, I’ve had my fair share of close calls. During those moments, one thing became crystal clear – the importance of a well-equipped survival kit. But what makes a survival kit truly effective and dependable?


Imagine you’re stuck in a snowstorm, a hurricane, or even lost in the wild. What do you wish you had with you? These are the thoughts that shape a survival kit, a compact set of items designed to support you in emergencies and survive until help arrives.

What is a Survival Kit

A survival kit is essentially a portable package that contains supplies and tools crucial for survival in a crisis. These tools should be reliable and serve multiple purposes to support you in various unforeseen situations.

Why a Survival Kit is Essential

Having a survival kit is crucial because emergencies and disasters can strike when we least expect them. Below, I delve into three primary reasons why having a survival kit is essential.

Unexpected Situations

Life has a way of throwing curveballs. From something as simple as a power outage to severe incidents like car breakdowns in remote areas, a survival kit can offer much-needed support. For instance, during a power outage, a flashlight from your survival kit can illuminate your surroundings. Similarly, a multi-tool kit can help you do minor car repairs when stranded in remote locations. Such situations make it clear that having essential survival items at your disposal can significantly improve your chances of dealing with unexpected circumstances effectively.

Natural Disasters

Natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, or earthquakes often occur with little to no warning. In the worst-case scenarios, these disasters can disrupt essential services like electricity, water supply, and even access to grocery stores for days or even weeks. During these times, a survival kit can provide you with essential resources to sustain yourself. The kit’s food and water supplies will ensure you don’t go hungry or thirsty, while a battery or crank-powered radio will keep you informed about the latest updates.

In The Wild

Outdoor adventures often involve a fair share of unpredictability. Whether it’s getting lost while hiking, a sudden change in weather during a camping trip, or an encounter with wild animals, being prepared can make all the difference. A well-prepared survival kit can offer tools for navigation, provide first aid for injuries, and even include items like fire starters that can help keep you warm and fend off wild animals. Therefore, for every outdoor enthusiast, a survival kit isn’t just an accessory—it’s a necessity.

A survival kit serves as your lifeline during emergencies—be it man-made, natural, or when venturing into the wilderness. Its importance can’t be overstated, as it arms you with the tools and resources necessary to confront and handle unforeseen situations, ensuring your safety and survival.

What Should be in Your Survival Kit

Your survival kit should be like your personal life insurance policy packed in a bag. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the essential components that every effective survival kit should have.

Food and Water

In survival situations, access to food and water can be the difference between life and death. For food, consider non-perishable items that are light to carry, have a long shelf life, and don’t require cooking. These can include protein bars, canned foods, and dry fruits. As for water, you should carry a few water bottles, but since water is heavy, it’s also recommended to have water purification tablets or water filters. These will allow you to utilize water from nature safely.

First Aid Kit

Accidents can happen, and they’re even more likely during emergencies. A well-stocked first aid kit is an absolute necessity. This should include bandages, antiseptic wipes, tweezers, scissors, medical tape, and common over-the-counter medications such as pain relievers and anti-diarrheal medicines. It would also be wise to add any necessary personal medication.

Tools and Equipment

A variety of survival tools and equipment should be in your kit to help you navigate, make a shelter, or even start a fire. This can include a multi-tool, which has various functions in one device, a sturdy knife for cutting, a compass for navigation, and a fire starter or waterproof matches for warmth and cooking. A flashlight with extra batteries is also essential for visibility during the night or in low light situations.

Communication Devices

Being able to communicate or receive information in a survival scenario is crucial. Items like a whistle can help you signal for help in a wilderness setting. A hand-crank radio or a satellite phone can keep you connected with the outside world, providing important updates and allowing you to call for assistance.

Personal Documents

Your survival kit should also contain copies of essential personal documents. This can include your ID, passport, birth certificate, medical records, and any other document that could prove your identity or be useful in case of evacuation or rescue operations. These documents should be kept in a waterproof container to protect them from potential damage.

Each of these categories plays a vital role in survival situations. Your survival kit should be customized to your personal needs and the likely scenarios you might face. Remember, the purpose of this kit is to keep you safe and help you manage until help arrives. It’s always better to be over-prepared than underprepared.

Special Considerations While Preparing Your Survival Kit

Climate Specific Items

Depending on the climate, your survival kit might need specific items. For instance, sunscreen and hats for the desert, thermal blankets and hand warmers for cold climates.

Personal Medical Needs

If you have specific medical requirements, like insulin or asthma inhalers, ensure to include a sufficient supply of these in your kit.

Preparing Your Survival Kit

A survival kit isn’t merely about the items within it; it’s also about how you prepare and organize the kit. Good preparation ensures your kit is effective, easy to use, and ready to go when you need it. Here’s a more detailed look at how you should prepare your survival kit.

Choosing the Right Container

The container for your survival kit is just as important as the items inside. It needs to be sturdy enough to protect its contents from damage, water, or other environmental conditions. Consider a hard-shelled case for situations where it might face rough handling, or a durable backpack for when mobility and weight are a concern. Waterproof or water-resistant properties are a huge plus as they protect your items from moisture damage. Finally, your container should be light enough to carry comfortably and small enough to store conveniently, whether in your car, home, or office.

Organizing Your Items

Once you’ve chosen your container, you need to pack your items thoughtfully. Your packing strategy should consider ease of access, the size, and weight of items, and their order of importance. Survival situations can be stressful, and every second count. That’s why you should pack your kit in a way that allows you to quickly find and grab what you need.

You can use separate compartments, zip-lock bags, or even color-coded pouches for different item types. Essential items that you’ll need to use frequently, like your first-aid kit, flashlight, or multi-tool, should be easily accessible. Lesser-used items, like personal documents or extra batteries, can be stored deeper in your kit.

Your survival kit should also be a dynamic resource that you review and update regularly. Check the expiration dates of food, water, and medical supplies and replace them as necessary. Regularly review the kit to make sure it still meets your needs, especially if your lifestyle or environment changes.

Consider Different Scenarios

While preparing your survival kit, it’s vital to consider various potential situations you might face. These situations can be based on the location you live, the season, or specific activities you are engaged in, like hiking or camping. For instance, if you live in a region prone to earthquakes, your kit should include items that help you survive in post-earthquake scenarios, such as a dust mask. If you frequently travel in remote areas, a flare gun could be a valuable addition to signal for help.

Include Items for Comfort and Morale

Survival situations can be stressful and mentally taxing. So, while it’s important to focus on essential items that directly aid survival, don’t overlook the impact of comfort and morale-boosting items. This could include a small book, photos of loved ones, a deck of cards, or even a favorite non-perishable snack. These items can offer emotional comfort and help alleviate stress in tough situations. Remember, survival is as much a mental game as it is a physical one.

Tailor Your Survival Kit to Your Physical Abilities

When preparing your survival kit, it’s essential to take your physical abilities into account. If you have specific physical limitations, make sure your kit is designed to address and accommodate them. For example, if you have poor eyesight, make sure you include a spare pair of glasses. If you have mobility issues, consider including items that can assist you, such as a foldable walking cane.

Family and Group Considerations

If you’re preparing a survival kit that will be used by your family or a group of people, it’s essential to take everyone’s needs into account. For instance, if you have children, make sure to include child-appropriate medication and food that they will eat. Similarly, if you have pets, include necessary pet food and supplies. This will ensure that everyone, including our four-legged friends, can cope better during emergencies.

Pack Based on Priorities

When preparing your survival kit, keep the concept of survival priorities in mind. The “Rule of Threes” in survival states that humans can survive about three minutes without air, three hours in harsh weather conditions, three days without water, and three weeks without food. This principle helps to highlight which survival needs should be met first. Based on this, prioritize packing items that provide shelter and warmth, then water purification methods, followed by food supplies.

Include Local Maps

If you’re in an area that you’re not familiar with, or even if you’re in your local surroundings but need to find the best evacuation route, having a physical map can be indispensable. While digital maps on smartphones are convenient, they rely on a charged battery and a working signal, both of which may not be available in an emergency. Including a local map, along with a compass for navigation, can assist you in finding shelter, resources, or routes for evacuation.

Seasonal Adjustments

Keep in mind the changing seasons when preparing your survival kit. You’ll need different items depending on the time of year. For example, extra blankets, warm clothing, and hand warmers will be more important in winter, while sunscreen, bug repellent, and hydration salts will be crucial for summer. Regularly adjust the contents of your kit to align with the current season.

Multi-use Items In Your Survival Kit

Space and weight are critical factors in a survival kit. Therefore, choosing items that have multiple uses can help you optimize your kit. For instance, a bandana can be used for sun protection, as a water filter, a bandage, or even a signal flag. Similarly, aluminum foil can serve multiple purposes, such as cooking, signaling, and maintaining body heat. By opting for multi-use items, you can make your kit more efficient without adding extra weight.

In a nutshell, preparing your survival kit is an ongoing process of evaluation, adjustment, and organization. By choosing the right container and thoughtfully organizing your items, you’ll ensure your kit is ready to support you when you most need it. Always remember, the key to survival is preparedness.

Top 10 Best Survival Kits

When it comes to survival kits, there’s an ocean of options available in the market. I’ve cut through the clutter to bring you the top 10 survival kits, each backed by a 4+ star rating and at least 2500 reviews.

  1. The Ultimate SURVIVAL Deluxe 2-Person Kit: This kit earns top marks for being comprehensive, including food and water with a 5-year shelf life, survival gear, and first aid items. It also offers some comfort items, such as blankets and a deck of cards. However, it’s a bit on the heavier side, which can be a con for those prioritizing portability.
  1. LifeStraw Personal Water Filter: Although not a complete kit, LifeStraw is a must-have for any survival situation. It removes 99.99% of waterborne bacteria and parasites, providing safe drinking water. The downside is that it only addresses water purification and doesn’t provide other survival essentials.
  1. Ready America 70280 Emergency Kit: This 2-person kit is an excellent balance between price and content. It includes food, water, emergency blankets, and more. The bag is compact and lightweight but might lack some specialized tools that adventure enthusiasts might desire.
  1. Sustain Supply Co. Premium Emergency Survival Bag: This kit has a great mix of survival essentials for two people for up to 72 hours, including food, water, emergency tent, and first aid kit. It’s well-organized and durable, but its higher price point may be a con for some.
  1. Gerber Bear Grylls Ultimate Kit: This 16-piece kit contains all the essential tools for survival in the wilderness, including a mini light, hand saw, signaling mirror, and more. It’s compact and lightweight, but lacks the food and water supplies, which you’d need to add separately.
  1. Everlit Earthquake Emergency Kit: Customized for earthquake disasters, this kit includes robust medical supplies, multipurpose tools, and food and water supplies. However, it’s on the heavier side due to its comprehensive contents.
  1. Survival Work/Shop The Recon: This compact kit includes a range of items from an emergency whistle to a sewing kit. Its strengths are the high-quality tools and compact size. But, it lacks more substantial items like food and water, which you’ll need to add.
  1. Uncharted Supply Co. The Seventy2 Pro: This is a professional-grade, 72-hour survival system that includes everything from a saw to a water filter. It has superior organization with instructions for use. The only downside is its premium price.
  1. Monoki First Aid Survival Kit: This comprehensive kit combines medical supplies with multipurpose survival tools, making it ideal for outdoor adventures. However, similar to some other kits, food and water supplies aren’t included.
  1. EILIKS Survival Gear Kit: This budget-friendly kit is compact yet packed with 24 pieces of survival gear, including a flint stone, compass, and emergency blanket. The tradeoff for the compact size and affordability is the absence of food, water, and extensive medical supplies.

When choosing a survival kit, it’s essential to consider your unique needs and environment. These kits provide a great starting point, but always remember to personalize your kit with additional items that cater to your specific requirements. Your sur:vival kit is your lifeline in emergencies, so invest time in its preparation.

Recommendation: Beyond Your Survival Kit

Training and Knowledge

It’s not enough just to have a survival kit; you also need to know how to use everything in it effectively. Take some time to familiarize yourself with all the tools and supplies in your kit. Learn basic survival skills like first aid, fire-starting, and navigation. The more comfortable you are with these skills, the better your chances of surviving an emergency.

Maintain a Survival Mindset

Mental resilience can be just as crucial as physical supplies in a survival scenario. It’s important to stay calm, keep your wits about you, and not let panic cloud your judgement. Regularly practice stress management techniques like deep breathing or mindfulness. Cultivating a survival mindset will help you make good decisions under pressure and increase your chances of making it through an emergency unscathed.


Having a well-equipped survival kit can make the difference between life and death in emergencies. Remember, your survival kit should be customized to your needs and the situations you are most likely to encounter. Stay prepared, stay safe.


What food should I pack in a survival kit?

Pack high-energy, long-lasting foods like protein bars, canned foods, and nuts.

How often should I update my survival kit?

It’s best to review and update your survival kit every six months to ensure that all items are in good condition and that your food and medical supplies haven’t expired.

What should a basic survival kit include?

A basic survival kit should include food, water, a first aid kit, a multi-tool, a flashlight, matches, a compass, and communication devices.

Why do I need personal documents in a survival kit?

During emergencies or evacuations, having copies of your ID, passport, and medical information could be essential for identification purposes or medical support.

How many days of supplies should a survival kit have?

Ideally, your survival kit should have enough supplies to last you for at least 72 hours, as it can take this long for help to arrive in some situations.


Emergency Preparedness – CDC – This page by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides detailed guidance on personal health preparedness for emergencies, which aligns well with the article’s discussion on survival kits and personal medical needs.

FEMA’s Recommended Items to Include in a Basic Emergency Supply Kit – This resource by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) gives a list of recommended items for an emergency kit, substantiating the items suggested in the article.

Survival Prepper Hub

SPH Team

My initial goal to shield my loved ones from the dangers of the aftermath following disasters has evolved into a commitment to share my findings to the widest audience possible. As the risk of emergencies continues to grow due to the unpredictability of changing weather and climates, natural calamities, man-made dangers, there is a an urgent need to acquire numerous methods of survival to safeguard ourselves. Knowledge and skills saves lives!

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