City Prepping: Survival Guide 101

As someone who has been through a number of disaster scenarios, I can’t stress enough the importance of being prepared. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that every urbanite should have a basic understanding of city prepping.

Introduction to City Prepping

What is City Prepping

City prepping, or urban prepping, is the practice of preparing for emergencies in an urban environment. This could range from power outages and riots to natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes. It involves planning, preparing, and equipping oneself to survive and thrive in the midst of chaos.

Why is City Prepping Important?

Remember when the city lost power for a week? Or when that hurricane hit unexpectedly? These instances underline the significance of city prepping. Being prepared can mean the difference between staying safe and comfortable versus facing serious hardship or even danger.

Steps to Start City Prepping

Let’s jump right into how you can start prepping for your city survival.

Understanding Risks

First things first: you need to understand the types of risks you may encounter. Are you in an earthquake-prone zone? Or maybe your area is more susceptible to hurricanes or riots. Identifying these risks is the first step towards effective preparation. The American Red Cross provides detailed guides on disaster preparedness for various types of emergencies. Here is a condensed version.

When it comes to understanding risks, it’s critical to take into account the nature of the potential disasters or emergencies that are most likely to affect your specific location and situation. Here’s a more detailed look:

Geographical Risks

First, consider the geographical risks that are unique to your location. For example, if you live in California, you might face earthquakes, while Florida residents might be more concerned about hurricanes. Those living in the Midwest might need to prepare for tornadoes. Consider the natural disasters that are prevalent in your area.

Seasonal Risks

Seasonal risks are also essential to factor in. If you’re living in a region where extreme winter or summer temperatures are common, then your preparedness plans need to account for those conditions.

Man-Made Risks

Don’t forget about man-made risks, like power outages, chemical spills, nuclear accidents, and social unrest. These emergencies require their own unique types of preparedness.

Personal Risks

Finally, personal risks revolve around your personal circumstances. This could involve anything from medical conditions requiring specific medications to dietary needs. If you have pets, their needs should be considered too.

Understanding these risks isn’t about instilling fear; it’s about promoting proactive action. The better you understand what you’re up against, the more effectively you can prepare. Knowledge is power, and in this case, it could be the key to survival.

Creating a Survival Plan With City Prepping In Mind

A well-thought-out survival plan is the cornerstone of effective city prepping. Here are some elements you should consider:

Food and Water

Once you’ve identified the potential risks, the next step is to plan for sustenance. This includes stocking up on non-perishable food items and plenty of clean drinking water. And remember, it’s not about hoarding; it’s about sensible, strategic accumulation over time.

You’ll need at least a three-day supply for every member of your household. However, if space and resources allow, aim for a two-week supply.

Consider foods that are non-perishable, easy to prepare, and require minimal water. For water, you’ll need at least one gallon per person per day for drinking and sanitation.

Shelter and Warmth

In the face of a disaster, your home may not be the safe haven it usually is. It’s crucial to have alternatives, such as a designated shelter or even a backup location like a friend or family member’s house out of the disaster zone. Also, don’t forget about staying warm. Essential items like sleeping bags and warm clothing can be lifesavers or even a portable heater that doesn’t rely on electricity.

First Aid and Health

Health is paramount in a disaster scenario. A solid survival plan addresses health needs. A well-stocked first aid kit, necessary medicines, and hygiene supplies should be part of your prep. Think about prescription medications, glasses, contact lenses, and any other health-related needs that could be impacted by a disaster. Not to forget, knowledge of basic first aid procedures can make a world of difference.


Consider safety measures, such as how to turn off utilities like gas and water, what to do in case of a fire, and where your nearest evacuation routes are.

Personal Documents

Your plan should include a safe, accessible place for critical personal documents. These might include IDs, passports, birth certificates, insurance policies, and medical records.


Last, but not least, maintaining contact with the outside world is vital. In an emergency, staying informed is vital. Your survival plan should detail how you’ll receive emergency alerts and warnings. Keep a hand-crank or battery-powered radio for news updates and a fully charged power bank for your mobile device. Also, for moral and social support to help tide over the tough period, think about how you’ll communicate with family members if you’re not together during the disaster.

Survival Skills

Pick up a few survival skills and learn as much as you can during peace time. Join practical courses to brush up your survival skills so that you are equipped with realistic and practical knowledge. So when the time comes, and you never know when, these know-how do come in handy and can be put to use without hesitation and with confidence.

Building a Survival Kit

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides a comprehensive guide on emergency supplies that should be included in a basic disaster supplies kit. Below is some key highlights.

Essential Items in a Survival Kit

A comprehensive survival kit is more than just food and water. It should include items like a multipurpose tool, flashlights with extra batteries, a fire starter, a whistle, local maps, and more. But remember, the key is to keep it portable and manageable.

Maintaining Your City Prepping

Regular Review and Updates

Having a survival kit and plan is not a one-time job. It’s essential to regularly review and update your plan according to changing situations and risks. Also, regularly check and replace any expired items in your survival kit.

Practicing Your Survival Skills

Remember that proverb, “practice makes perfect”? It applies here too. Whether it’s starting a fire, purifying water, or first aid procedures, regularly practicing these survival skills can better equip you to handle real-life situations.


Being prepared is not about living in fear; it’s about living with a sense of assurance, knowing you can face whatever comes your way. City prepping is not a fad; it’s a lifestyle choice that promotes readiness and resilience.


What’s the first step in city prepping?

The first step is to identify the potential risks specific to your location and situation.

How much food and water should I store?

A general rule is to have at least a three-day supply. However, for longer-term scenarios, aim for a two-week supply.

What should be in my first aid kit?

Your first aid kit should include basics like bandages, antiseptic wipes, tweezers, medical tape, pain relievers, and any necessary prescription medications.

What if I don’t have enough space to store supplies?

Even in small spaces, there are clever ways to store supplies, such as under beds or in unused corners of closets. The key is to prioritize the most essential items.

Why is practicing survival skills important?

Practicing survival skills ensures you’re able to perform them under pressure in an emergency, making them second nature.

Being a city prepper may seem daunting initially, but as you start, you’ll realize it’s about taking one step at a time towards safety and security. So, are you ready to embrace the city prepper lifestyle?

Survival Prepper Hub

SPH Team

My initial goal to shield my loved ones from the dangers of the aftermath following disasters has evolved into a commitment to share my findings to the widest audience possible. As the risk of emergencies continues to grow due to the unpredictability of changing weather and climates, natural calamities, man-made dangers, there is a an urgent need to acquire numerous methods of survival to safeguard ourselves. Knowledge and skills saves lives!

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